Essay: Garden

In early 2024 I was commissioned to contribute text to the book The Paintings of Criss Canning (Thames and Hudson, 2024). The text explores the relationship between Criss’s art practice and the gardens at Lambley, the property she shares with husband and plantsman David Glenn. An excerpt:

It is not just the visual strength of a flower that appeals to Criss but something more subtle, internal. ‘I like things being wilful. It’s a bit like me – I don’t like being told what to do either!’ This waywardness is one of the reasons Criss only ever paints from life, not a photograph. ‘You see so much more, and gain a much deeper understanding working from live material. You’re gaining an insight into the natural world, with all its nuances and changes. It’s miraculous to witness.’ Witness. This word fits Criss. It’s somehow weightier than look or see, weaving attention with intention. […]